Monday, August 24

World of Warcraft: Cataclysm!

Wow, just wow. Have you seen this guys? (those of you that care)

This is the third expansion for the ever-growing MMO that is the World of Warcraft (I'm a casual player.) I can't believe they are giving Worgen (werewolves) to the alliance and sticking Goblins to the horde, how annoying!

Well, of course theres no way in hell I#m not going to play as a Worgen, simply because:

a) They are werewolves b) They have Druid c) Gilneas their home, is uber gothic, and d) They're freaking werewolves!

The downside? it means I am now going to have to brace myself, swallow my pride and dignity, and play with the alliance as my faction. Oh the shame!

Tuesday, August 11

I'm a stone's wall away!

I'm on a residential for LGBT volunteer's starting this thursday, oh joy of joy's! Its free, it takes me through London to get there, and thy has been missing London so (League of Extraordinary Gentlemen anyone?)

I don't think I am allowed to swan off to Camden though, which is a shame, but hey, they are paying for everything, so I should be greatful to even go on the London Tube, god thats good fun!