Thursday, January 1

The whole year through: 2008

Crazy times we live in isn't it? looking back on the year I just survived really scares me how I came into it, and how I will soon leave it.

At the beginning of the year I was full of hope and promise on an Art & Design course at Wigan and leigh college, I also had an unsuccessful art business with its gears slowly grinding, and grinding slower by the week. I was a member of a progressive group of social entrepreneurs called PULSE which has disappeared to my knowledge. I left the course in march due to financial difficulties, and also the realization that to have a career in the art industry I would probably need to leave Wigan and find a larger market for design somewhere in the city, which I didn't want to do, and so I signed back on JSA (Job seekers allowance)

After signing back on and floating merrily through life at this point along rolled my 21st birthday and with it, a few startling realizations. If I wasn't at college age and have no opportunity for financial help there, I would need to move on to university. this of course wasn't a natural progression as it might seem, I was actually convinced to move onto university by my two close friends Antony and Janet, who spent at least forty minutes at the end of a dance class talking me into looking for a uni course, which I then did. I found a course, which I wrote about in my classic blog here. I filled out my UCAS 'clearing' form (discount courses they couldn't fill I imagine) and unfortunately was told by three different Uni's that I was under qualified, there's £15 I'll never see again.

But all was not lost! The administration I spoke to regarding the course advised me to look for an Access to HE course, designs on getting people with low qualifications into uni, and low and behold, I found a spot available at the University of Bolton. So on October 13th I started my first day as a university student, with all its expenses and labour, and soon I was well into the swing of late assignments and early mornings and missed trains, it was bliss. I say was of course, I mean is bliss, as the course will continue until its conclusion at the beginning of summer when hopefully, I will have an access diploma. At this point, I am very confused, when I joined the course at the beginning of october I was fully intending to carry the subject onto psychology degree level, obtain a degree in psychology and go find work in that field, however over the holiday period, my mind has done back flips and has landed somewhere else entirely.

It could have been some bad mince pie I have eaten, or perhaps its all a dream, I don't yet know, but my ambition now is to go onto a Performing Arts degree, hopefully at Salford Uni. I agonised over this decision (as you can slightly see in the previous post) and now even if I was forced to do the psyche degree, I couldn't put my heart into it, because its not really what I want now. I mean psychology is very interesting, but as a career it would probably destroy me.

So here it is, full circle, as a new years resolution I think I'm going to stop making long term plans, and just take life as it comes. over the holidays I've lost 9 pounds through not eating, I attribute my loss of appetite to the life changing decision I made (and due to weight loss my stretch marks are itchy as fuck) and I have no intention on being under that kind of stress again until my degree starts, I have enough to worry about in finishing the year, let alone starting a new one!

I really do have no idea what I'm doing, apart from going out of my mind. then again, my mind wasn't exactly the most straight forward place to be in the first place.

Just take it as it comes, and have a happy new year!

Saved from my phone!

Praise Jeebus!

A while ago when I tried to hook my pretty phone up to my ugly computer, the cable decided that from henceforth I am no longer to have nice things, and wiped my phones memory. Since then, the data transfer cable on my phone refused to work. Now however, thanks to the kindly donation of a Micro SD card from a friend (thanks for that!) I can get some of those 'on the spot' pictures you take, or rather, I took, when I didnt have my normal camera around.

Some of these are from quite a while ago, but Ill just give a little back story if they are too unclear, so without further a do, here's what I rescued (in no peticular order)!

This is from the very harshest point of winter 2008 which was around early januaryish. This was Bolton train station, I had to wait about half an hour for my train home after Uni, but I love snow and I love the cold, so it was all good.

This was the awesome site of a bus which had lost control due to faulty breaks and went crashing into the tree's over the road from my house. It was a scorching heat and some had though the driver had had a heart attack or something, so I grabbed my camera and took some shots guiltlessly, I'm that kind of heartless~

When it had snowed in Bolton early january, the students (and some lecturers) decided it would be fun to build a snowman, but instead of building a snowman, they simly rolled a gigantic snow ball. This was taken a week after the initial snowfall, and a good few days after it had stopped being even slightly frosty, it was still there, and still huge!

Thats ASDA price!

This was some sort of fire at the cricket club at St Judes near where I live, this was just nosey neighboring on my part, I don't have any back story for it.

Two weeks on and the snowball is dirtier and a little smaller, but still there...

I should probably elaborate on the significance of this, you may be thinking 'yes we've seen snow in Bolton already, get over it' to which I will tell you to shut up, and also you look fat. No the reason why this is significant is, not only was this a whole four weeks after the first real snowfall, where we entered another harsh freezing period, but the snow was so fast and thick here, it stuck, which may not be amazing apart from the fact that that very morning, we had heavy rain!

Save the best 'till last as they say~ This was the late novermber show of the Red Ribbon Cabaret, of which my fellow B.yoU members and I were a part of. This is the best picture I took of me in drag, and I love it, there arn't many good pictures of me in drg mostly because I end up looking like a taller version of my mum, but I'm glad I could save this one from my phone, Im vein like that.

So what's the deal with Harry?

Prince Harry's been taking a lot of stick lately from the media about these 'homophobic' and 'racist' comments (see here and here.) Now, he's clearly(?) not a stupid lad, and by now he should know that he's in the public eye whether he likes it or not, so it was stupid of him to assume he could say such controversial words and get away with it, but come on england, get a grip!

Its the army for gods-sake! anyone with even a slight glance can see the army has its own set of social norms, those unspoken society rules you simply must follow, social hierarchy is made and friendship groups are formed, and within those groups nicknames develop. Why I can pick a few cases from the top of my head were people have been given (or given themselves) a nickname that would outwardly be considered derogatory, like ginger nut (for a red head), squint (for a person with glasses), Cleatus (for a person with an overbite) and so on, so a person who looks like they come from an eastern country to be called 'paki' (or 'paki friend', which to me sounds friendly if slightly warped) sounds perfectly reasonable in a machismo setting.

Give the lad a break, as Tatchell said...

"It wasn't said with hate, aggression or malice....

"Later in his video diary the prince mouths to another soldier 'I love you' before kissing him on the cheek and licking his face. Kissing another bloke in front of his mates and putting it on film doesn't seem very homophobic to me."

He seems like a decent sort even if he has made a few mistakes (lord knows I've made my fair share and I recon he's a bit younger than me at this point, or at least the same age,) we are going to be a lucky people I think when/if that guy gets to be kind, even if the royal family don't do much politically, they still do wonders for general economy, rallying and lifting our spirits!

Quick edit: holy crap he's 24! that guys looking good for his age, must be all those men he's surrounded by, maybe I can get that on prescription.

Do not disturb (more)

Hooo haa hoo! This university lark is getting a bit heavier now I feel. Within the next two weeks I have to finnish one and a half worksheets, an essay, and next week I have two exams (morning and afternoon,) I tell you I don't know how I'm going to survive the rest of the year because things arn't slowing down, they are juste getting going.

At times lie this I'm glad of my friends, not just my friends here in sunny wigan but in bolton, whom are going through the same access hell as I am, if anyone is reading this and still studying towards getting on a degree from college, stop reading this silly blog and get to work! you won't believe what you'll have to go through if you don't get all those bloody UCAS points needed, I mean I was about 40 points from the requirements so there was no way I was getting in anyway, but it would be so annoying if it was just like, 2 points, which I think is what has happened to someone on my course.

So here I sit, blogging, I have dinner on the go downstairs, a worksheet open in the background, and music blaring from my speakers (at a respectable volume might I add) finding every little distraction I can to save me from psychology hell! I've been thinking allot about where I want to be next year, at salford doing performing arts (see this blog) and even now I've started putting a bit of stand up together from different things I find funny, its all a bit pigguldy at the moment but if I pulled together the material I have, it will probably fill about 10 or 15 minutes which is nice. Wigan isn't really the place for stand-up though, there are no comedy clubs in town, there is a comedy night I have heard of up in standish (I think it was standish) but doing something so close to home would make me rather nervous, everyone has to start somewhere though! I keep doubting myself, maybe I'm not as funny as I think, maybe I just don't have that natural humour, or maybe I do have the natural humour, but won't be able to translate that into a stand-up show. Gah! if only there was a way I could get a taste of it before actually taking the plunge, I know that's what uni will be for but, I'm so anxious I just can't wait that long, and there's still a possibility I might not even get in!

Nice start

Have you ever OD' d on paraceptamol? I have, and its not pretty. Back in november I had a considerably bad flu, and we aren't talking 'man flu' that women think is just a sniffle (and I suppose usually is) but full on stomach churning head splitting muscle aching flu, it was awful! lasted about four days, and on the third day it had reached its peak, but not through natural means, but my intervention. I was on two paraceptamol every four hours, which is the recommended dose, anything over that would cause bad side effects (and would in fact, be an overdose,) but in my delirious state, I took six in the space of three hours, some in the evening, and some right before bed. Well as you can probably imagine, what happened next was not a pretty sight, I woke in the middle of the night with a terrible fever, head splitting migraine, violent shaking, nausea, weakness (well, more severe weakness than others who wake up at 2am) and there was nothing I could do to stop it, I knew what was going on after a while (at first I thought it was something fatal, but if you'd have felt as bad as I did that night you would be making your peace as well.) I went back to bed, tried my hardest to get to sleep, eventually after a few hours I managed it and in the morning I was fine but I don't think I have ever felt that rough in my life, thank god I learned my lesson, or so I thought... That's right ladies and gentlemen, last night I 'OD' d' again, this, as before wasn't intentional, I'll explain; I woke up at around 6am yesterday morning to throw up in the toilet, I knew I'd caught the sickness and diarrhea that my dad god a few days earlier, so after cursing him a blue streak, I grabbed a bucket, laid it next to my bed and went back to sleep. Woke up properly at 10 feeling oh-so-sick, I managed to keep whatever was in my stomach down for most of the morning, sipping water and drinking warm tea to dehydrate myself. Now I don't know about any of you, but if I'm stuck in my room, and I have a computer hooked up to the internet (and a selection of awesome comedies on 4OD, which is a brilliant service I couldn't recommend enough,) AND having got my DVD's through the post that morning which I got in the sale at (which is another service I hold in high regard) you can probably imagine my lower back to be soar from sitting on a computer chair with no back, an uncomfortable couch and at one point, the floor (don't ask.) Through all of this I was taking the recommended amount of paraceptamol, and every so often an ibuprofen for my back pain, well about 9/10 at night I start getting the violent shakes, headaches and the whole sh'bang, I knew what it was but I was so careful not to OD this time, it freaked me out! Then it hit me, the drugs were staying in my system longer because I wasn't eating! and although I was drinking, I wasn't passing any fluids with as much frequency (by that time the sickness and diarrhea had stopped, but my stomach still hurt too much to eat,) I 'Od' d' on the recommended amount of paraceptamol because I imagine the recommended amount assumes you would be eating and drinking while taking the pills. Well I knew I was in for a bad night, but to my luck I slept soundly, and didn't have much trouble getting to sleep (granted I slept in full pajama's, dressing gown with two blankets on me because my fever was really bad, but my insides were freezing! and my hands and feet refused to warm up!) But, I survived, and I sit here, the morning after, feeling refreshed (I supposed anyone would having OD's on painkillers before a good nights rest) and almost 'stomach bug' free, I might even try eating something soon, in fact i'm going to weight myself to see if I lost anything, I imagine so, I expelled everything early yesterday morning!