Thursday, January 1

Nice start

Have you ever OD' d on paraceptamol? I have, and its not pretty. Back in november I had a considerably bad flu, and we aren't talking 'man flu' that women think is just a sniffle (and I suppose usually is) but full on stomach churning head splitting muscle aching flu, it was awful! lasted about four days, and on the third day it had reached its peak, but not through natural means, but my intervention. I was on two paraceptamol every four hours, which is the recommended dose, anything over that would cause bad side effects (and would in fact, be an overdose,) but in my delirious state, I took six in the space of three hours, some in the evening, and some right before bed. Well as you can probably imagine, what happened next was not a pretty sight, I woke in the middle of the night with a terrible fever, head splitting migraine, violent shaking, nausea, weakness (well, more severe weakness than others who wake up at 2am) and there was nothing I could do to stop it, I knew what was going on after a while (at first I thought it was something fatal, but if you'd have felt as bad as I did that night you would be making your peace as well.) I went back to bed, tried my hardest to get to sleep, eventually after a few hours I managed it and in the morning I was fine but I don't think I have ever felt that rough in my life, thank god I learned my lesson, or so I thought... That's right ladies and gentlemen, last night I 'OD' d' again, this, as before wasn't intentional, I'll explain; I woke up at around 6am yesterday morning to throw up in the toilet, I knew I'd caught the sickness and diarrhea that my dad god a few days earlier, so after cursing him a blue streak, I grabbed a bucket, laid it next to my bed and went back to sleep. Woke up properly at 10 feeling oh-so-sick, I managed to keep whatever was in my stomach down for most of the morning, sipping water and drinking warm tea to dehydrate myself. Now I don't know about any of you, but if I'm stuck in my room, and I have a computer hooked up to the internet (and a selection of awesome comedies on 4OD, which is a brilliant service I couldn't recommend enough,) AND having got my DVD's through the post that morning which I got in the sale at (which is another service I hold in high regard) you can probably imagine my lower back to be soar from sitting on a computer chair with no back, an uncomfortable couch and at one point, the floor (don't ask.) Through all of this I was taking the recommended amount of paraceptamol, and every so often an ibuprofen for my back pain, well about 9/10 at night I start getting the violent shakes, headaches and the whole sh'bang, I knew what it was but I was so careful not to OD this time, it freaked me out! Then it hit me, the drugs were staying in my system longer because I wasn't eating! and although I was drinking, I wasn't passing any fluids with as much frequency (by that time the sickness and diarrhea had stopped, but my stomach still hurt too much to eat,) I 'Od' d' on the recommended amount of paraceptamol because I imagine the recommended amount assumes you would be eating and drinking while taking the pills. Well I knew I was in for a bad night, but to my luck I slept soundly, and didn't have much trouble getting to sleep (granted I slept in full pajama's, dressing gown with two blankets on me because my fever was really bad, but my insides were freezing! and my hands and feet refused to warm up!) But, I survived, and I sit here, the morning after, feeling refreshed (I supposed anyone would having OD's on painkillers before a good nights rest) and almost 'stomach bug' free, I might even try eating something soon, in fact i'm going to weight myself to see if I lost anything, I imagine so, I expelled everything early yesterday morning!

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