Monday, August 29

Video's from pride

I'm gonna use the blog to dump all the video's I find of our group from the Manchester Pride Parade 2011. Now, I'll warn you, these will probably be ten minute videos with about two seconds of our float on them, but hey, people like to see their work. That's the poor thing about pride, we spend all out time and effort working on a float and entertaining the crowd, and people tend not to take that many pictures of us.

I'm throwing some pictures up in to an album I've made on Facebook which you can check out here. That's it for now, maybe there will be more soon, who knows! If anyone see's anything, leave a comment; Cheers!

Tuesday, August 23

Steven: Pilot

This strip took a little too long to polish, I think if it is going to be a regular thing (as I hope it will be) I will need to be more economic with my time and effort. Comments and critiques welcome!

Friday, August 19

My New Project

I love a project.

If your a regular reader (hi mum) you'll probably already be aware of this but it bares saying again; I love a project. Just reading this blog for longer than twenty minutes will tell you that if I can tackle something head on and make a meal of it, I usually enjoy myself and get a greater commitment from it.

About a month ago I got an email regarding Out On Campus, a new LGBT student magazine with content directed to LGBTQ students, written and submitted by LGBTQ students. In the email there was a call for submissions  writers, graphic designers, photographers etc. You name it and it was pretty much there being requested. Apart from from a comic of course. I sent them an email explaining that I am something of a cartoonist, and offering my services.

The magazine will publish Bi-monthly from November, so twenty four strips for a full year unless holidays are a no go, in which I'll probably still make something up as print-syndicated strips are relatively easy to make compared to my usual A4 full pagers. I've spent the week thinking up an idea which will combine what I am passionate about with the LGBT nature of the paper and I think I have landed on something which will allow me to get out a quick punchline comic for print without too much explanation...

I'm still working on some of the finer points of it. It will combine my love of sci-fi and general nerdy shit with the LGBT nature of the magazine. It will also give me easy access to a quick punchline using abstract jokes combining the fantastical star wars universe with our ordinary gay stereotypes.

I will say that if this strip is taken up for the magazine I will be getting my arse in gear and publishing it on my new blog as well. I was going to hold off publishing a web-comic on my blog until I could get a regular update schedule and comic buffer up, but if I will be producing a comic bi monthly anyway, why not?

Stay tuned my lovelies, more on this story as it develops.

Addendum: Out On Campus are still looking for submissions and people to fill roles on their voluntary staff, head over to their website if your interested!

Wednesday, August 17

New Blog for You!

Hey all!

Loads of stuff going on right now. Just got back from a rather busy trip to Czech Republic and the wonderful FCC Cheer camp which I will blog about soon. Also I'm in talks with a new LGBT student newspaper and may be producing a comic strip for them so stay tuned for more information on that as well.

This update is basically to let you know that I am still alive, and after coming home from Cheer Camp with spirit coming out of my arse, I've decided to push all cheerleading related updates into a separate blog. So any of you who read my blog and are not interested in the musing of a cheerleader can stick around here. If you are the type to be interested in Cheerleading, you can head on over to my new dedicated blog:

Sunday, August 7

Short Film: Dennis

Found a wonderful short film, very moving.

Friday, August 5


Here's some choice GIFs for you, if it's not animated, click it!

Wednesday, August 3

Hang on a second...

After finishing my kinda-tutorial on css, I quickly checked to see how I've been doing in terms of traffic. Typically I've been pretty much zero, which is fine, I'm used to it. There is a feature on Blogger which shows you how people are finding their way to your web site, and what search terms they are using to find you. Here is from today...

First of all, who is searching for that?

Second, why the hell is google sending them here!

[Mental note: Need more practice]

Web Design Project: Salford Sirens Cheerleading Squad and CSS mini-tutorial.

It was just over a week ago I think when I managed to get hold of the access information for the Salford Sirens mini-site. For those who are unaware, I am a cheerleader, coach and committee member of the Salford Sirens, which are Salford University's cheerleading squad. I'm also sort-of the unofficial web-administrator, though I do so voluntarily and happily (if you know me at all you'd probably already know that I love to sink my claws into a project.)

Check it out: Salford Sirens Cheerleading Squad! but also stick around, because I am going to discuss a few things about it.

As the Sirens are a part of the USSU, they get an 'activities' mini-site on the Student Union's home page, which are to be created and updated by members of the activities clubs and societies themselves. So my task for the past week has been to turn the Sirens' page from a one-page information sheet with a few scraps of what cheerleading is about and some measly pictures to...  well, something presentable.

The format is similar to that of a single blog entry, anyone familiar with the likes of Blogger, Wordpress, Tumblr or any similar blogging platform will know what this means. You are given a white box, and some meta buttons over the top to 'help' with designing the page. I tend to write everything in code, that way I know exactly how it's going to look and I don't need to worry about the design being incompatible with different browsers (which is a particular issue considering most of the browsers at university run on an older version of IE.) I'm the same with blog posts or other data entry which offers 'advanced' HTML help in the format of a font or colour drop down box, I just don't trust em...

Anyway, back on topic. As you can imagine, setting up a multi-page mini-site was no small task thanks to this little lack of functionality. For the other non-code/design literate groups it's fine to just pop some information on a one or two page mini-site, I'd imagine not many clubs or societies have a web designer as a member (unless there's a Web-Design society I don't know about, there's an idea...) so I can't really blame the other sites for their simplicity. Fact is I had a lot of time on my hands and I'm a stickler for detail, and making things look pretty.

It went from a simple five pages to a slightly more complex seven pages. The news page is probably one of the first times I've really hammered the social network connectivity on a site which is non-blog related. It's much more difficult on a web-site than a blog, as most modern blogging software offers the connectivity in the form of widgets or plugins, whereas this is just straight up code (iframes and the like.) A few more hoops to jump through but otherwise I am pleased with the result, it means that there is a little bit of dynamic content on a page which may end up neglected if I get too busy with Uni work (or I don't manage to teach the others how to update it.)

Another thing to note is the menu bar. I am particularly pleased with this as it is all done using image sprites. I'll try and explain a little about the process, but there are plenty of tutorials online that go into more detail about it such as this one and this one (and maybe even this one.)

For the uninitiated, CSS is a method of separating style from content in web design. You can use CSS to control elements such as background colour, height, width, alignment blah blah, basically you can adjust a LOT with CSS without effecting the actual element itself. So if you have a table with a CSS class, and you adjust the class, it will adjust the table (and all other tables with the same class.) I'm possibly not being very clear, so here's a picture...

...very helpful. The reason why CSS is so useful for web designers is that not only can you manage the style using any number of attributes, but those three tables can be on three seperate pages. Say you have a table on three different pages with your birth certificate, pin number and home address, and you want those three tables to look the same on every page? throw a class="AllMyPersonalInformation" in a style sheet and link it to those web pages (again, not going into detail here, google it if you wanna' find out how) and BAM, those three web pages will have the same table on each one. I don't think I explained that very well, oh sod it...

...I think that makes even less sense, I'm not very good at explaining things I suppose. The software on the mini-sites did NOT come with the sort of interconnectivity I am used to using so having the pages link to a single cascading style sheet wasn't possible. As such, I had to insert all the code that I used to make the menu and image sprites work individually on each page (which is a ball ache when it comes to editing the menu later on.)