Tuesday, July 1

Heigh Fever

Terrible weather, terrible music, terrible food, terrible security, ah yes its that time of the year, Heigh Hall festival is upon us and all the underage drinkers and shaved chavies are coming out of the woodwork to get drunk and fight, all in the same place.

This is of course rather convenient for me as its a great chance to go man-totty watching. Quite a few attractive muscle bound men walking around with their shirts off, half of them drunk, the other half desperate to show off how manly they are by either playing football with other men within a two metre square of free space, or.. fighting! You've got to watch out for jail-bait though, luckily its easier to spot an underage male twink thank it is underage twinklettes.

I saw two people fall down drunk, got yelled at from passing cars three times, saw one person collapse, countless drunken teenagers both in and on the way to the festival. Oh yeah, and some sort of band was playing at some point, lets face it folks, only twenty percent of the people who go there are there for the musical entertainment.

So I got piss wet through, and after walking it to Wigan, and up to Heigh Hall through the plantation gates, standing around for the three or four hours we were there, we then had to walk back, but not the normal, sane way of walking back, oh no, through Aspul, just to catch the bus. Its alright though, by the time we were ready to leave I was just about ready to walk on hot coals for a good sit down on a bus.

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