Thursday, September 15

Steven #3

Here it is, number three of Steven the Gay Stormtrooper. My idea's list is getting low for Steven so I might make a dent in my regular comic idea's page. This will be nice, although Steven is only one strip, roughly the size of a quarter of an A4 piece of paper (in portrait) it is still a lot of work.

I prefer working at A4, I feel I have more space to tell a story. Also my jokes tend to need a bit of set-up for their full impact, so I feel a little cheap coming up with these one line jokes and obvious punchlines and puns (I don't, I love them, I'm just saying that to sound superior.)

I'm set until next year for the magazine, I might get some full pagers done in the meantime until I think of some new gay jokes.


  1. Hi Sye,

    For ideas I'd Google gay stereotypes, bet reading up on stereotypes will give you loads of ideas.

    A x

  2. I have a few in my head which I won't divulge (to give you the joy of seeing the comic, of course:p) but usually when I start to run dry on something it's my muse's way of telling me to try a different project. I'm working on an A4 piece at the moment but it will probably take a few weeks what with Uni starting and such. Cheers for the input though!

