Friday, June 26

Life without Michael Jackson?

Well, this is certainly going to be rather odd. Michael Jackson is dead? I suppose you don't really appreciate things until they are no longer there, I have to say though, my life without the enrichment of MJ (my pet name for him, we were close you see) doesn't seem all to different than when he was alive.

It seriously doesn't take much to work the world up into a frenzy does it, I hope the world will be as shocked when I die of a heart attack at the age of fifty (man I'd better start smoking, the rate I'm going I could live to be a hundred!)

Oh yeah, the blog is back, sort of. It'll stay here until I get some new web space, I have very few creative outlets besides drawing, painting, my comics, my music, my photography and my writing, so I decided the blog was something I wasn't prepared to do without. Naturally having no money will put a major crimp in my plans, so until I get my student loans or win the lottery (which would be strange considering I don't play it,) this blog will have to do.

But just 'cause its free doesn't make it any less special right?..


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