Sunday, September 25

Steven: An update...

So the first issue of Out On Campus is available online. If you are a loyal fan of my work (either of you) and are only interested in seeing Stephen the Gay Stormtrooper in a publication, don't bother; he isn't in there.

I feel like such an idiot. I was told he would be, I told others he would be; now I fid that he isn't by reading the thing myself and so now what? I'm now a liar...

Sorry. This late night pity party was sponsored by boredom I think. I am sure there is a perfectly logical reason that they didn't include the strip. I am not assuming they have done it to spite me, I am just annoyed that each strip probably clocks about eight hours work, and they couldn't find five minutes to drop me an email explaining their change of plans. Here I was thinking I was part of the picture, the team. I was assuming too much.

I have previously read warnings from other artists regarding working for free/charity/the promise of future rewards. The usual idea is that the people are offering 'exposure' and 'a good cause' and artists are advised to beware those fatal signs of no more a 'good cause' than a 'lost cause'. But this time I thought "No! It's students working together with a common goal!" and "They are begging for content, they must really need contributions!" and of course, couple that with my own insecurities about my art; such as the fact that it takes me eight hours to produce one strip and it takes others four hours to produce a full page. I said to myself "The only way I am going to produce work for someone else, for free, was if I was part of a team. An equal member of a team, a partner."

They didn't tell me it wasn't going to be in the first issue. At this point I do not know if it will be in the second issue or any other issues. I have sent an email to ask, but this blog post is me venting my anger.


  1. Hi Sye,

    I'm sorry Stephen didn't get published - have you had a response from your email? Perhaps there's a reasonable explanation however they should have let you know. Plus I agree about an equal partnership especially when your doing it for free.

    Big hugs, see you soon,

    A x

  2. Apparently it was some last minute editorial decision, from the sounds of it they are not very organised with stuff.

    They've assured me Stephen will make an appearance in the next issue, and they apologised (which is all I asked for really) so I'll see where it goes from here.

    S x

  3. Yeah if I were you I'd keep an eye on it and keep in contact with them close to the next edition.

    Big hugs,

    A x
