Saturday, September 3

Steven #2

The second one in the series 'Steven the Gay Storm Trooper.  A few notes I think I should make at this point...

  • It's a little joke within the joke that you can't tell the Troopers apart when they are in uniform. I know they are supposed to be clones, and so they really should be the same size and everything, but I am using the Troopers from the original trilogy as a base model, and at this point the world didn't know the origins of the Troopers (artistic licensing meets my private sense of humour)
  • I'm still learning the ins and outs of specific panel, word bubble and colour conventions for printing, normally I publish on the web where I can be as creative with the above as  I like, but for print there are certain rules I'm finding important. For example, I can't have too much text per panel, I can't go overboard on the art work (as I seem to have in the last panel, derp) and the text/important stuff needs to contrast highly with what isn't important so that the eye goes where I want it to.
  • I'm avoiding textures, I don't want the reader to be distracted.
  • I'm using colour because I can, I know most printed comics are either heavily desaturated or black and white. Both can be effective, but if I can have lots of lovely colour, I will do. However the colour might be a little too distracting in the last panel, your thoughts are welcome.
I can report on the situation regarding having Steven published however: They loved it!  The magazine (Out On Campus) are offering me a regular spot on the features page for Steven. However, there was a mix up with how often they will publish. See, to regular Joe's like me (and probably you) bi-monthly means 'twice a month' but to publishers, it pretty consistently means 'every two months.' You've guessed it already I can tell, that means the magazine only needs six strips for the entire year, two being published digitally.

Still, published is published. I will be popping them on the website and hopefully I'll have time this year to do more than what they will be needing. I have idea's for about four or five now besides the two I have already done. I've no doubt I can produce at least one a month, so whatever extra I do I shall just publish online.

Stay tuned gang, more to come!

(As usual, comments and critiques welcome)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sye,

    You know from our conversations that I love Steve. I can't wait for the next edition!

    A x
