Tuesday, September 29

Beyond the Front Line, day two

Second day of rehearsals went much like the first with the exception of being separated into groups. These groups (or companies) were categorised as Blue company which was the people who make up the soldiers on the roof, Red company I can't really remember the function of, Yellow company were the Nurses I think and Green company are the people on the Plaza in front of the Lowry.

I'm part of Blue company, which means I get to see everything from on top of the roof looking down at the Plaza, and I get to hold a gun... ..good times!

We also did a few more exercises which supposedly highlighted our strengths and weaknesses (although there was only ever one member of the Slung Low team observing a group of fifty or so people, so it wasn't as if absolutely everyone was given fair play.) This experience is rapidly moving to the top of my list of experiences which give the feel of the 'world of work' as far as the business called show entails. I am very pleased with how its going, both the ups and the downs! for example: I wanted to be one of the soldiers on the roof, and give a largely visual performance and contribute to the overall spectacle as a team member, which is good because a downside would be that the members of Slung Low have clearly stated that essentially their word is final, and there will be very little exceptions to that fact. This again might seem like a bad thing, but it isn't! It more than demonstrates the kind of attitude one might experience if they were to pursue a career in theatre, maybe I am bias because I got a part I like and wanted, but it has come up roses for me.

I wouldn't say today was really challenging, tiring would be more appropriate. Walking forty minutes to the Lowry at the start of the day, all the theatre workshops, administration of 'this group and that group' and then walking back to my Halls of Residence is very very tiring work, I actually can't wait until we are performing, not only because I am excited to see the show come together, but because it will actually be less strenuous than this week!

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