Thursday, September 10

Virgin? Yes but don't tell anyone...

Virgin broadband is totally and utterly stupid. For no reason what-so-ever my moden stopped working last night, and on phoning them up today I find out that its something to do with the downstream not logging on to the network, something to do with it being underpowered.

Anyway what this means is that my internet is down until monday, possibly longer knowing what these people are like with getting new parts and what not.

And I have to say, it is not very handy for me to lose my internet at the moment, what with me needing to get details to and from uni via email, and all that jazz, and I have still to hear from student finance about my claim, even though they have sent back my birth certificate. I got an email through the other day telling me that the deadline is closing for my second application supporter to send in evidence, when my mum and dad sent their support in at the same time as eachother, at the same time as me!

It'll all get sorted, I am finding it hard to be sympathetic towards the student finance company at the moment though.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know any student that has good things to say about student finance.

    hope it all gets sorted,

    Antony x
