Saturday, September 12

The storm before the calm?

I have been quite unwell for a few days now. What I thought was a little tickle in my throat on Wednesday turned into a horrendous swelling on Thursday evening, and even had some of the youth workers asking me whether I was alright (at the youth group that I go to, not just in the street.)

I was running a rather high fever and couldn't cool down, then went into cold shivers which almost never happens given the extra layer of fat I have covering every inch of my body. My throat was burning and scratchy but at the same time lined with muscus and swollen to the point where it hurt to talk. Couple this with the aching I get in me teeth and the horrible pounding I get in my ears, and the headache, and I was definitely not feeling top form on Thursday evening.

I felt a little better Friday morning and after getting some good old ibuprofen and paracetamol down me I was right as rain, although the lack of Internet has been a pain. At the moment I am writing from my brothers computer, he has gone to sort something out with his bike. Its been quite bad actually because I haven't been able to occupy my time with my usual non-illegal drug, the World of Warcraft.

Instead I've been playing a game that I reserve for when I do not have access to the net. It used to be that I would play Abe's Exodus (was and is still a fabulous 2D side scrolling game) but I now play Neverwinter Nights when the doors to the internet is closed. Its good because it satifies my need for RPG game play and the need for a good story (as you play through the NWN campaigns its like your character is unraveling a mystery.)

I finnished the biography of Julie Walters; That's Another Story, which is a damn good read not just for people interested in going into performing arts, but also for people who come from working class backgrounds, I could really relate to the kind of life Mrs Walter has had and found her retelling of the parts of her childhood to be very entertaining and endeering. I am now reading the Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks which is a jolly interesting read on how to survive the zombie holocaust (for anyone who doesn't know, I love all things to do with zombies; books, games, movies, stories, anything!) although I have to say I am looking forward to check up on his references, as I'm reading it I cant help but feel that hes just telling a story to take advantage of the zombie-ists out there. The next thing I have lined up is An Utterly Impartial History of Britain: (or 2000 Years of Upper Class Idiots in Charge) by John O'Farrel, which looks to be a good and humerous read into the history of britain and the pomposity of the upper echelon, I will review that book once I have read it!

1 comment:

  1. Get well soon Sye. I my self haven't been feeling well.

    You'll have to borrow me a few books, :P you seem to have good taste in them.


    A x
