Monday, January 11

2010, fingers crossed!

Using my good friend Antony's post as a muse, I am going to kill some time by jotting down some of the things I hope to achieve or at least advance in before the end of this year. I always leave these lists purposefully short because having a long list of achievements only leads to a long list of failures at the end of the year if things go astray, I also don't use words such as "try", because I've been trying to do these things in the past which is why they are on this list, which will be full of things I will do. I think I'm willing to be adventurous, so here goes;


  • Brush my hair more.
  • Reach my 'normal' weight bracket (as discussed here.)
  • Keep up my exercise


  • Be funnier
  • Gig more
  • See more live comedy
  • Explore the performance industry
  • Learn to drive
  • Be more productive and industrious with Uni work
  • Get more comics done
  • Keep in touch with friends and family
  • Go out more
  • More reading, less gaming
  • Study more on the area's which interest me (space, history, biology etc.)
  • Make the effort to improve/be more adventurous.
I think that's it for my list of goals. You might notice that a few of them are ambiguous, I assure you that this is by design. You see, there are a lot of things in my head, all bumping into each other and flying all around the place, and I kinda like it like that. But every so often there will be something which will sit still at the back of my mind, a concious desire to affect change in the way I think or behave, and it is that which I want to achieve with these goals.
I can think of an incident in Uni not too long ago, I was checking out the unions LGBT group, and there were three people who didn't really pay attention or seem interested in the meeting, two people running it (dominating it, or at least trying to) and two other people slightly wishy washy and embarrassed to be spoken to (if you know the type, they annoy me.) They started trashing Stonewall which I was not happy about (and made myself heard on the subject) and showed support of LFG (who once pulled funding from a local group in Wigan from the NHS, essentially stealing a service) which I also made known to the group. I did the goody goody act all the way though (which is difficult when your refuting a point made by an assertive dominator) when what I really wanted to do was tell them I was disappointed and leave half way through.
So my thinking with the goal 'Make the effort to improve/be more adventurous' is to take the opportunity when my instincts tell me that playing the nice guy isn't in my best interest in this situation, even if it may turn opinion against me; See? purposefully ambiguous.


  1. Sounds like a good set of goals. I did notice they were some what vauge, which means it will be difficult for you to work out if you've achieved them or not lol...but I think that's what you wanted.

    My Love,

    A x

  2. Yep, its not a case of knowing whether I have achieved them or not because with most of these goals, the results will be strikingly apparent to me.

    But then again, I didn't want to set myself something which can be measured by rates of success or failure either :D
