Monday, June 21

Summer is here!

Hey guys, Sye here.

So summer is upon us, and boy is it really pushing the heat to the limit. I think this is further proof that we are experiencing climate shift, past two years we have had consistant snowfall over a two week period, and now our summers are hotter for longer. It's to be expected, I mean our climate is in constant flux and has been since the planets creation, I don't think our greenhouse gases are helping it along but I disagree that mankind is entirely to blame.

Anyway, thats not why I'm posting. Check out the lovely new look, fancy eh? I figured as its summer and all I would spruce up the blog. Thats not the only reason, you see I'm considering buying some web space again and was playing around with some designs. I want to find a way to incorporate the blog into a new website which will have its own hosting package, but I'll have to see how that works out.

In other news, I just got a new phone! I've been meaning to get a contract phone for a while considering I was spending about £30 a month on pay as you go. Now I'm spending £15 a month to get more stuff on an infinitely superior phone. Now, I don't know phones, so when I got hold of my new Samsung Galaxy Portal I was astounded that you could get such a powerful phone for such a relatively cheap contract. I've already started firing emails and pictures and stuff from it, loaded all my contacts at the click of a button (or rather, the touch of a screen) and I'm gonna start downloading some fun apps to play with as well.

I may even blog from it!


  1. I like the new design and think you´d be good with for later in your career.

    Oh also love the new phone.

    A xxx

  2. Hmm, definitely something to consider...

    Cheers Ant x
